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Continuous Slat Holder Strip 53mm


Continuous Slat Holder Strip 53mm
Continuous Slat Holder Strip for 53mm flexible slats is a simple method of fitting slat holders to a timber bed side-rail. Each strip contains 19 pockets. One strip required per side for single/king size and four strips for double/queen/king etc. Two fitting systems. See 'information' and 'specification' tabs. Quantity break for 4+ strips.
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[{"colour":"","code":"PLSHC210053 + CLIPS","size":"","price":57.76,"qty":64,"pid":2109791,"style":"Option 1 - Strip Includes Caps","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/410978/pid2084973/Slat_Holder_Strip_small_section.jpg","title":"Continuous Slat Holder Strip 53mm"},{"colour":"","code":"PLSHC210053","size":"","price":54.38,"qty":8,"pid":2101794,"style":"Option 2 - Strip Only","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/410978/pid2084973/Slat_Holder_Strip_small_section.jpg","title":"Continuous Slat Holder Strip 53mm"},{"colour":"","code":"PLSHCLIP","size":"","price":0.38,"qty":150,"pid":3825651,"style":"Option 3 - Clip Only","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/410978/pid2084973/Slat_Holder_Strip_small_section.jpg","title":"Continuous Slat Holder Strip 53mm"}]
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Continuous Slat Holder Strip

Simple solution to fitting slat holders quickly and with less work.  A total of 19 slat holder pockets are attached to 1 single strip.  Suitable for 53mm wide flexible slats; designed for 8mm thick slats but 9mm thick slats will just fit.  Superior flex slat holders.

2 strips are required for single/king single bed frames.  4 strips are required for double/queen/king/superking bed frames etc.

Continuous strip can easily be cut to length if the 2100mm length is too long. There are several opitons for fixing the continuous strip to the wooden bed side-rail or an internal timber cleat running inside the length of the bed frame. Postion the strip in advance to locate hole positions if you intend using method 1 (below).

Method 1:  This is the neatest and most secure method. Fitting utilzes the plastic caps provided that come with a vertical post.  The caps are fitted into vertically drilled holes in the bed side-rail or internally fitted timber cleat.  IMPORTANT Trial the width of slats fitted into 2 continuous strips to ensure the location of the strip is correct before drilling. The drilled holes are postitioned in line with the open-ended slots shaped into the continuous strip. Seven (7) fixing slots are available down the 2100mm length at 315mm spacing.  Usually the fitting slots in the strip face outwards. The 'caps with post' are then simply pushed into the predrilled holes.  This is a compression fit and the 'caps with post' won't fall out and there will also be tension from the slats assisting as well.  The advantage of this method is that you will not see fixing screws or staples as the caps hide the fixing method from view.  Also you may be able to pre-load the slats on both ends the full length of the strips as the caps with post are simply pushed into the pre-drilled holes.  Tap in the 'caps with posts' if necessary to get a snug fit.  This is Price Option 1.

Method 2:  This method avoids the need to drill holes as the 'caps with post' are not used.  Instead the plastic strip is simply positoned correctly and then screwed, stapled or nailed into place directly through the plastic strip base where it is accessable.  Suitable sized fastenings need to be used, with large heads in the case of screws or nails (clouts) to secure the continuous strip.  Fixing close to the actual slat pockets is recommended.  You may not be able to pre-load slats using this method and may need to fit the slats manually after the strips are fitted.  In additon the method of fixing the continuous strip will be laid bare to view although they will be partially covered by the slats and ultimately by the mattress and bedding.  This is Price Option 2.

Overall Strip Length - 2100mm

Number of slat holders per strip - 19

Distance between slat holder centre to centre - 105mm

Designed for 53mm wide slats 8mm thick (will accept 9mm thick slats if required)

Depth of Slat Holder - 32mm

Distance between fixing slots is 315mm - 7 slots per strip

Height from bedframe to slat holder pocket is 15mm

Height from bedframe to top of slat holder is 25mm

Fixing caps with pin supplied

Strip does one side of a bed.

2 strips required for single/king single and 4 strips required for double/queen/king/superking etc.

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